With the energy of change all around us, what a great time to cleanse and "rebalance" the energies in our home.
Check out this simple simmer pot recipe that's great for Spring/Summer:
Orange, Lemon, Blueberry and Mint Simmer Pot Recipe:
Oranges- purifying for the mind, body and spirit, represents joy, abundance, prosperity, and brings an uplifting energy into your space
Lemons- symbolize light, purification, clarity, helps us embrace change, and can remove negative energies and help rejuvenate the energy in our homes
Blueberries- represent confidence, peace, optimism, wisdom, luck, and attract abundance. They offer protection and shield from negative energies.
Mint leaves- promote mental clarity, they represent rebirth, purification, cleansing, abundance, prosperity, and increase feelings of calm
Cleansing the energy in our physical space is a must, but it doesn't have to be overwhelming. Grab yourself a pot, some water and the ingredients above and spend some time thinking about your intentions as you combine everything together. Let your creation simmer on low to rejuvenate and cleanse your space!