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The 12 Laws Of Karma

Updated: May 10, 2024

Karma, the law of connection, the law of patience and recieving, the law of significance, the law of giving, the law of the here and now, the law of change, The great law, the law of humility, the law of growth, the law of responsibility, the law of focus, the law of creation, Buddhism, Hinduism, The laws of karma, the 12 laws of karma, CHild_Of_Balance, Childofbalance, laws, the laws,

Karma is a word that is often thrown around a lot in modern day spirituality. Now we won't get into the full breakdown on Karma and its many modern-day definitions or variations today, but we will look at how the Cambridge Dictionary Defines Karma, for simplicities sake.

Karma- (Noun)

(in Buddhism, Hinduism, and some other religions) the force produced by a person's actions in one life that influences what happens to them in future lives:

Hindus believe in karma, meaning they will answer for their actions - if not in this life, then in the next.

- Cambridge Dictionary

Often, we tend to look at Karma as bad, however, Karma comes in many forms and cannot be definitively linked or labeled in a "3D" dualistic good or bad/ wrong or right, kind of perspective. Many believe that the following 12 laws of Karma is a mindful way to live your life, in your greatest highest good, becasue it brings attention and awareness to all aspects of living spiritually, energetically, and emotionally.

The 12 Laws Of Karma

  1. The Great Law: Can sometimes be referred to as the law of Cause and Effect, and typically is what most think of when we hear the word karma used. It states the energy you put out into the world is what comes back to you. This occurs whether you are consciously aware of it or not.

  2. The Law Of Creation: You are seen as a powerful creator and you also have the power to co-create your life along with the Universe. This states you must take action to create the life you desire. This demands active participation in your "story".

  3. The Law of Humility: This law is about acceptance of what you have created, your current reality through all your actions, choices, and energy you have put out. It's about not playing victim in your story/life, there are no victims here. In order to change something, we must first accept it fully and take responsibility.

  4. The Law Of Growth: This law is all about listing what you have control over. It's only one thing. You, Yourself, and I. It's the idea that we change the world by first changing ourselves, through seeking true and meaningful growth. We have the ability to grow and change throughout our lifetime.

  5. The Law of Responsibility: You must take full responsibility for your current life and its many circumstances, the perceived good and the perceived bad. It encourages you that there is no reason to look outside oneself for the reason for things, but to look inward. Take full responsibility for our actions, choices, and decisions of the past and present, blaming no one else outside of ourselves.

  6. The Law Of Connection: This states that all things are connected. This includes your past, present, and future. This goes even further to include that no action or decision is unimportant or insignificant, because it all effect who you become, like a domino effect. (Yesterday actions affect the person you are today, and your actions today affect the person you are tomorrow).

  7. The Law Of Focus: This states that one cannot focus on two things at once. You should focus on one thing at a time. The idea that when you focus on spiritual values and self-betterment, you have no space to focus on the "lesser" things such as greed, jealousy, anger, or other hindrances of your focus. Slow down and focus on one thing to cut out the distraction of many things. It also the idea of where we are placing our energy and our intention behind the things we do. Are we being mindful? Are we being present? What are we choosing to embody or act on? Are we being our best selves?

  8. The Law of Giving And Hospitality: This law calls one to demonstrate what you believe in and come to embody those very things, ethics, and genuine desires for the world. The ultimate positive, "put your money where your mouth is" law. No hypocrites here. Let your actions reflect the truest and deepest beliefs you hold and may they be positive, peace, love, and grace to all. This is the being the change you wish to see. Giving freely without expectations or hopes of anything in return.

  9. The Law of Here and Now: It states that true peace can only be gained in the mind when we choose to live in the present moment. One cannot live in the present moment while looking in the past or glancing ahead into the future. Focusing on the old constantly hinders one from creating new, while looking for the future things makes one miss what's already right in front of them. The power of presence is important, because it's all we have.

  10. The Law Of Change: This is the law of "history repeats itself". It states history will continue to repeat itself until you have learned the lesson you are meant to learn and take action and steps to change the already existing pattern. The law of breaking cycles and of true growth. This continues until true change takes place.

  11. The Law Of Patience And Reward: This is the idea that consistency, patience, and continuing to show up the best you each and every day over and over again, even when you don't see instant reward today, will bring joy, peace, abundance, and fulfillment eventually. You may not receive your reward in this lifetime, but the knowing that it will come.

  12. The Law of Significance And Inspiration: This law is simple. You Matter! Your Presence Matters! You possess very specific goals, talents, and experiences that all equally contribute to the greater whole. We all play a part in contributing to the highest good of the world. Your gifts and purpose matter and serve a larger purpose and hold a place in this Universe.

Do any of these laws seems similar to the 12 Laws of the Universe?

Do you resonate with any, or all, of these laws?

Do you believe there are set laws to our Universe?

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