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The 12 Universal Laws- Do You Really Know Them?

Updated: Sep 8, 2023

“If you never stop to understand and ‘innerstand’ the 12 Universal Laws than you can never truly understand yourself.”- My Team

Remember we are all the Universe experiencing itself. Knowing how your reality functions and the basic rules of which govern the Universe is the baseline for this Spiritual Journey. If you’ve ever wondered why something did or didn’t work out all you need to do is refer to the laws below.

(The Laws are listed in their base form for you to study yourself and refer back to whenever needed.)

1. Law of Divine Oneness

a. The idea that everything is connected (I am everything and everything is me)

2. Law of Vibration

a. The idea that everything has its own unique vibrational frequency

3. Law of Inspired Action

a. The idea that in order to manifest something, it requires aligned action.

4. Law of Correspondence

a. The idea of “as above, so below”

5. Law of Cause and Effect

a. The idea that for every action there is a direct consequence (whether viewed as “positive”

or “negative”)

6. Law of Compensation

a. The idea that we are being rewarded for doing the right thing (or performing the

“correct action”

7. Law of Attraction

a. The idea that things that are alike are naturally drawn to each other

8. Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy

a. The idea that energy is always in a constant state of movement and is forever changing

“transitioning” (nothing can be created, nor destroyed)

9. Law of Relativity

a. The idea that everything is relative in your experience/reality

10. Law of Polarity (Duality)

a. The idea that there are two side to everything (natural opposites)

11. Law of Rhythm

a. The idea that nothing is truly permanent and everything is moving and changing

12. Law of Gender

a. The idea that in order to manifest something a balance of energies is required

It is truly important that we be able to break down these 12 laws and understand them fully! The best way to take this information out of the textbook, so to say, is to start at law one and try to apply it to your life on the daily. Do this for each law for roughly a week and keep a notebook about just how often this law plays out in your experience. Then at the end of the 12th law, start to change the seat your in. Instead of being the divine observer of your reality for a day, start to actively apply these laws for your benefit! You will find it is easier to navigate through this existence when you know how the universe works. You will find you don’t need to force anything and you certainly don’t need to chase anything. Nothing is truly lost and everything you gain is only momentarily, so cherish it. What you give out into the world, is truly what you will receive. In all of this you will find Balance when utilized with an open heart and pure intentions. Don’t forget everything is about intention first! In the Balance of all things is where the Magik happens.

When life gets a little hard or the seas seem to be extra rocky, refer to the laws for guidance. You will find your next move when you sit down with yourself and the rules of the game as ONE. Always remember your team is behind you every step of the way, even when they seem quiet, they are giving you room to make your “free-will” choice. After-all this is YOUR experience!

Journal Prompt:

How have you noticed the laws playing out in your daily life?

Was there ever a time where something didn’t fit into these 12 Laws?

Having learned about the Laws either form this article or from another source, how has this changed how you look at the Universe?

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