The Ankh is an Egyptian symbol representative of life. It is also referred to as "The Key of Life", "The Key of the Nile" and "the Egyptian Cross". As the Key of Life, it represents the balance of opposing forces, masculinity and femininity, and the need for both energies to be balanced and in harmony. The symbol combines these two energies through the Oval of Isis and the T of Osiris. The union of these two represents the cycle of life with reproduction.
The Ankh was also used as a symbol of protection by ancient Egyptians. It was commonly worn as a talisman in the form of an amulet to protect one from harm of any kind.
The Ankh was also commonly used in burial rituals. Ancient Egyptian culture believed in eternal life after physical death, the idea that death is only a transitional phase. Ankhs were placed on the lips of the deceased to help them "open the door" to a new life-the afterlife.
As you can see, the Ankh represents many different aspects of life from reproduction to physical life, death, and rebirth.