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The Book of Revelations: The Christian End of Times

(This is the complete book of Revelations (chapters 1-22) copied and dropped from the King James 1611 Version of the bible)


4 John writeth his reuelation to the seuen Churches of Asia, signified by the seuen golden Candlestickes. 7 The comming of Christ. 14 His glorious power and maiestie.


What is commaunded to bee written to the Angels, that is, the Ministers of the Churches of 1 Ephesus, 8 Smyrna, 12 Pergamus, 18 Thyatira: and what is commended, or found wanting in them.


2 The Angel of the Church of Sardis is reproued, 3 exhorted to repent, and threatned if hee doe not repent. 8 The Angel of the Church of Philadelphia 10 is approoued for his diligence and patience. 15 The Angel of Laodicea rebuked, for being neither hote nor colde, 19 and admonished to be more zealous. 20 Christ standeth at the doore, and knocketh.


2 Iohn seeth the throne of God in heauen. 4 The foure and twentie Elders. 6 The foure beasts full of eyes before and behinde. 10 The Elders lay downe their crownes, and worship him that sate on the Throne.


1 The booke sealed with seuen seales: 9 which only the lamb that was slain is worthy to opē. 12 Therfore the Elders praise him, 9 and confesse that he redeemed them with his blood.


1 The opening of the seales in order, and what followed thereupon, conteining a prophesie to the end of the world.


3 An Angel sealeth the seruants of God in their foreheads. 4 The number of them that were sealed: of the tribes of Israel a certaine number. 9 Of all other nations an innumerable multitude, which stand before the Throne, clad in white robes, and palmes in their hands. 14 Their robes were washed in the blood of the Lambe.


1 At the opening of the seuenth seale, 2 seuen Angels had seuen Trumpets giuen them. 6 Foure of them sound their trumpets, and great plagues follow. 3 Another Angel putteth incense to the prayers of the Saints on the golden Altar.


1 At the sounding of the fift Angel, a starre falleth from heauen, to whom is giuen the key of the bottomles pit. 2 He openeth the pit, and there come forth Locusts like Scorpions. 12 The first woe past. 13 The sixt Trumpet soundeth. 14 Foure Angels are let loose, that were bound.


A mightie strong Angel appeareth with a booke open in his hand. 6 Hee sweareth by him that liueth for euer, that there shalbe no more time. 9 Iohn is commaunded to take and eate the booke.


3 The two witnesses Prophesie. 6 They haue power to shut heauen, that it raine not. 7 The beast shall fight against them, and kill them. 8 They lie vnburied, 11 and after three dayes and a halfe rise againe. 14 The second woe is past. 15 The seuenth trumpet soundeth.


1 A woman clothed with the Sunne trauaileth. 4 The great red dragon standeth before her, ready to deuoure her child: 6 when she was deliuered she fleeth into the wildernes. 7 Michael and his Angels fight with the dragon, and preuaile. 13 The dragon being cast down into the earth, persecuteth the woman.


1 A beast riseth out of the sea with seuen heads and ten hornes, to whom the dragon giueth his power. 11 Another beast commeth vp out of the earth: 14 causeth an image to be made of the former beast, 15 and that men should worship it, 16 and receiue his marke.


1 The Lambe standing on mount Sion with his company. 6 An Angel preacheth the Gospel. 8 The fall of Babylon. 15 The haruest of the world, and putting in of the sickle. 20 The vintage and winepresse of the wrath of God.


1 The seuen Angels with the seuen last plagues. 3 The song of thē that ouercome the beast. 7 The seuen vials full of the wrath of God.


2 The Angels powre out their Vials full of wrath. 6 The plagues that follow thereupon. 15 Christ commeth as a thiefe. Blessed are they that watch.


3. 4 A woman arayed in purple and scarlet, with a golden cup in her hand, sitteth vpon the Beast, 5 which is great Babylon the mother of all abominations. 9 The interpretation of the seuen heads, 12 and the tenne hornes. 8 The punishment of the whore. 14 The victory of the Lambe.


2 Babylon is fallen. 4 The people of God commanded to depart out of her. 9 The Kings of the earth, 11 with the Merchants and Mariners, lament ouer her. 20 The Saints reioyce for the iudgements of God vpon her.


1 God is praised in heauen for iudging the great whore, and auenging the blood of his Saints. 7 The marriage of the Lambe. 20 The Angel will not be worshipped. 17 The foules called to the great slaughter.


2 Satan bound for a thousand yeeres. 6 The first resurrection: they blessed that haue part therein. 7 Satan let loose againe. 8 Gog and Magog. 10 The deuil cast into the lake of fire and brimstone. 12 The last and generall resurrection.


1 A new heauen and a new earth. 10 The heauenly Ierusalem, with a full description thereof. 23 She needeth no Sunne, the glory of God is her light. 24 The kings of the earth bring their riches vnto her.


1 The riuer of the water of life. 2 The tree of life. 5 The light of the Citie of God is himselfe. 9 The Angel wil not be worshipped. 18 Nothing may be added to the word of God, nor taken therefrom.

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