A large part of the healing and spiritual journey is embarking on a series of tower moments that usually end in a montage of trust falls. Often many ask the question, how. How do I get past this, how do I surrender, how do I move forward. Some may find the law of detachment, although simple and seemingly basic, to be tremendous help when we are looking to shift our perspective throughout our journey.
Deepak Chopra, a well-known and publicized spiritual teacher defines the law of detachments as such:
“To get anything in the physical world, you have to detach from the outcome and be in the process.”
This principle is taught through several spiritually based communities and cultures such as, Taoism, Jainism, and Buddhism. The main idea is to emotionally detach from your goals, in a way that you become less focused on the end result and more present in the moments you are involved in achieving them. It is through the loss of expectation of a desired outcome and controlling only what we have the ability to control, (ourselves) and surrendering to the fact that everything else is outside of our control that produces the peaceful state and initiates the releasing in order to receive energy.
The principle allows one to live in the grace and innerstanding that the Universe, Cosmos, Spirit, God, Source, Creator have a plan for us and that we are all part of an energy much bigger than us. When we detach from the outcome of the future, it places us solely in the present NOW moment, so we can appreciate the good that is happening all around us.
Here are some basic steps you can take to detach in a healthy way according to the principal of this law.
~Trust The Universe/God/Source/Spirit/Creator
~Focus On The Present Moment
~Practice Releasing What's Outside Of Your Control
~Cultivate Peace/ Bliss Within Self
~Surrender To The Universe & Divine Timing
~Release Expectations & Judgements Of The Past, Present, & Future
~Embrace The Uncertainty Of All Things
~Practice Receiving, Grace, & Gratitude
~Practice Mindfulness With Thoughts, Energy, & Presence
~Be Open To All Opportunities