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The Sacred Art of Dressing a Candle

In candle magic practices, the sacred art of dressing a candle allows you to connect with the Universe, while incorporating anointing oil and herbs that coincide with your intention. As before opening any practice in your space, you want to make sure the area is cleansed.

(See our blog on the Sacred Art of Smudging, click button below:)

You want to begin by first choosing the candle color that best fits your intention.

(See our blog on Embracing Color Frequency, click button below:)

Next you want to cleanse your candle. You can do this by rolling the candle back and forth in your hands to release any stored energy in it. Feel free to incorporate any method of smoke cleansing as well (you can use incense, palo santo, sage, sweet grass, etc...)

Next you want to choose your anointing oil. Olive oil is my go to if I'm not using a specific intention oil (like a handcrafted road opener or protection oil), but you can use any oil of your choosing.

Remember that each step in this process is time for you to not only infuse the specific elements you are using, but it's also an opportunity for you to focus your energy and your specific intentions into the candle.

Pour a small amount of oil in a bowl. Then begin dressing your candle by putting the oil at the base of the candle and moving it/pulling it in an upwards direction towards the wick.

Once your candle is fully dressed in the oil of your choosing, you want to roll it in the herbs that match the desired intention you have set. I find it easiest to put my dried herbs on a small plate of small tray lined with aluminum foil and roll my candle in them. This makes for less of a mess and easy clean up.

Once your candle is rolled in the herbs you are now ready to set your candle up in your space. This is the point where you can incorporate crystals, a petition or any other offerings in. Personally, I spend extra time focusing on my intention at this point before lighting it.

As a practitioner, you need to do what feels right for you and remember that the most important aspect of any practice is the intention you put into it.

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