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The Seven Seals and The Seven Chakras

Child_Of_Balance, CHildofbalance, SPiritual, Spirituality seven deadly sins, seven heavenly virtues
Frequency, Energy, Heaven is Within?

Many are familiar with The Book of Revelations, which refers to the apocalypse. While many fear this as some kind of catastrophic end of the world, let's look at it from an energy and consciousness perspective.  The etymology of the word apocalypse comes from the Greek word apokalypsis, which means revelation or uncovering.  The Seals correspond to the 7 Chakras, with the seals being "broken" or open.  This represents a forceful opening or activating of a chakra, a sudden or intense release of energy. One could think of these as tower moments, catalyst moments, or intense transformation.

When we look at the 7 Chakras and compare them with things like the 7 "Deadly Sins" and the 7 "Heavenly Virtues", you can see how they correlate to imbalanced and balanced states that pertain to each chakra.  Each of the 7 Chakras have a specific sound or frequency which can correspond to the reference of the 7 Trumpets. The Seven "Deadly Sins" represents self-imposed limitations. Sin (Serpent, Kundalini Energy) is representative of a Sine Wave, the higher the amplitude of the denser the energy.  Think of it from the "fall" from Heaven to Hell...which was changed in the Bible at one point to read "fall'" from Heaven to Earth.

The First 3 Chakras represent self/I as well as grounding, finding our passions and the actions that we take in life, while the Upper 4 represent consciousness. We are going to focus on the first 3 Chakras in this post.  The Heart Chakra as is what bridges "Hell and Heaven", being seen as frequencies which influence our consciousness and then the experiences we have.  To stay in an imbalanced state in your lower 3 chakras is to live in frequency of dense energy, or as some would say a "living hell". A state where one is abdicating their authority and power to things outside of self.  

The Root Chakra, represented by the color red, the element of Earth and the Cardinal Direction of the South is where imbalances revolve around physical survival can manifest as experiences of financial struggles, natural disasters, violent attacks, abuse and even near-death experiences. These experiences challenge our sense of security and physical survival which can lead to feelings that life is an unsafe place, facilitating a victim mentality, and can lead to seeking a predictable and repetitive life as one is constantly perceiving life through the lens of challenges and scanning for threats or "red flags" and perpetuating a state of hypervigilance or "fight or flight".  One can feel instability when it comes to basic needs and experience feelings of insecurity and fear.

The Sacral Chakra, represented by the color orange, the element of water and the Cardinal Direction of the West is where imbalances can emerge from our willingness to embrace life's powerful experiences and pleasures.  Imbalances occur when one fully immerses themselves in experiences that result in something we perceive as a disaster or resulting in what our humanness or ego defines as a "negative" experience. This too can evolve out of experiences of ridicule, humiliation, profound pain, experimentation that leads to conclusions of sin, guilt, and shame. It shifts one into the perspective of fear of living life fully, not taking risks or even experiences like depression, creative stagnation, obsessive desires/thoughts, addictive behaviors/actions, and a fear of "what if things actually worked out in one's favor or one's desires". Imbalances may also manifest in connections with others as difficulties in interpersonal relationships, challenges with intimacy and vulnerability, and emotional instability.  Now is a good time to remember that our emotions are "energy in motions" and they have the ability to move in a direction that is upward in the sense of expanded awareness or downward towards material expression.  Material, as in the things we identify outside of ourselves in our physical reality/physical world. 

The Solar Chakra, represented by the color yellow, the element of fire and the Cardinal of North and where imbalances can manifest from experiences that suppress our individuality, oppressive, and abusive encounters with what one perceives as authority, extreme power dynamics and societal beliefs, constructs and conditioning, and experiencing "rejection" when one goes against the "status quo" or what the "majority" is doing and engaging in. Experiences stemming from this imbalance can result in domination, abuse, perception of "weaker" individuals, along with a sense of superiority. In some cases, this imbalance can lead to isolation, resistance to discernment, challenging of belief systems, and challenging constructs or conditioning. 

Rather than seeing the Book of Revelations as an external cataclysmic event, shift into a perspective of an inner world revolution, a map or guide to aligning your chakras and moving out of a state of imbalance, giving yourself an opportunity to experience the world, from a higher vibration and consciousness.  Exiting the vibration of "hell" and entering that of "heaven".

What are your thoughts on the seven seals and the seven chakras? Any correlations in your mind?

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