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The Universe is in You: The Astrological Body and Zodiac Correspondences

Child_Of_Balance, spiritual, spirituality
You Are The Universe

We've all heard the phrases, as above so below, as within so without. People often turn to astrology and their natal chart go gain a deeper understanding of self, but the zodiac can also be found "within". As each celestial body or planet, governs a zodiac, each zodiac also governs parts of our vessel.

Astrological Body and Zodiac Correspondences:

♈Aries - brain, head, face, teeth, tongue, hair, arteries, blood

♉Taurus - sinuses, ears, throat, neck, vocal cords, thyroid

♊Gemini - lungs, shoulders, arms, hands, capillaries 

♋Cancer - diaphragm, breasts, lymphatic system, womb, stomach, right eye

♌Leo - heart, circulation, blood pressure, spine, back and left eye 

♍Virgo - digestive system, pancreas, small intestines, eyes and ears 

♎Libra - kidneys, bladder, veins, lower back

♏Scorpio - reproductive organs, prostate, rectum, colon 

♐Sagittarius - liver, sacrum, lumbar, vertebrae, hips, thighs

♑Capricorn - knees, ligaments, tendons, joints, skin, spleen, bones

♒Aquarius - shins, calves, ankles, forearms, circulatory system

♓Pisces - feet, toes, lymphatic system, pituitary gland, pineal gland

Take some time to explore how the zodiacs correspondence to your vessel, whether it be body parts, systems, or even the12 salts of the body, they all intertwine.

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