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Norse Cosmology: The Web if Wyrd: Interconnectedness of Fate and "Karma"

The idea of interconnectedness, fate, and karma are concepts across many different cultures

and belief systems. Today we are going to take a look at what the Norse philosophy is

regarding these things.

The Web of Wyrd, also referred to as Skuld’s Net or the Norse Matrix of Fate, is a symbol in Norse Cosmology that represents the past, present, future, and symbolizes the interconnectedness of everything. According to the Norse, every individual’s actions and thoughts within every moment, is an integral part of the Web, as it adds new threads, which can alter its pattern and influence future events. One’s past actions, or karma, determine the fabric of their present and future symbolizing cause and effect. The Web is believed to be a reflection of different possibilities that occur in time, past, present, and future and our destiny as we choose our path in life to follow.

In Norse Cosmology, the Web of Wyrd is associated with destiny through the Norns, known as the “Shapers of Destiny”, who wove the fate of all beings into the fabric of the cosmos. The Norns are 3 sisters, Urd who represents “What Once Was", Verdandi who represents “What is Coming Into Being” and Skuld who represents “What Shall Be.” The 3 of them represent the chronological passage of time. In the middle of the Cosmos, stands the Tree of Life, known as Yggdrasil, which ties the 9 worlds/realms and through this is how all things have an interconnection. There are 3 wells that provide water to the tree. One of the well’s being the Well of Urd, where the 3 Norns exist who weave the Web of Wyrd, intertwining peoples' fate into the roots of Yggdrasil with golden thread. The meshing or weaving together of the threads is a metaphor for interweaving or intertwining of individual things, in order to, create a whole. Every single thread is necessary to create the whole, and if one comes loose it can affect the others. The weaving done by the Norns directly influences the course of events throughout the 9 realms as our fates and destiny are intimately woven into the fabric of the cosmos, time, and everything in it, as it creates a “Cosmic Map”.

The Web of Wyrd Symbolizes the following:

● Completion

● Fate & Destiny

● Interconnectedness

● A Network of Time

3’s and 9’s were two numbers that were very important to the Norse and are represented in the symbol that represents the Web Wyrd. There are 3 sets of 3 lines and 9 is the product of 3 and symbolizes completeness to the Norse. These 9 staves are arranged in an angular grid with each containing a specific sequence of Runes. Norse Runes are an ancient Germanic Alphabet used for writing, divination, and magic. There are 24 total, each has its own meaning and purpose, and some were believed to have special powers.

The Web of Wyrd is also integrated into divination practices, specifically utilizing Runes. Runes are placed in the shape of the Web and interpreted based on their positions within the patterns. The interconnectedness and interrelationships between the runes are as significant as their individual meanings.

What are your thoughts on karma, fate, destiny, and how everything is interconnected within your

own life and the Universe as a whole?

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