Triggered lately? Well buckle up friends, we've got another wave of energy that has moved in, and your triggers are asking you to explore much deeper aspects of yourself...you know, the ones you've been avoiding.
The energy of Chiron, the Wounded Healer, has just stationed retrograde and is here through the end of December to help us face some of our most deep-seated wounds of rejection, self-worth and fear. So, what does this energy have in store for us?
It's time to take FULL responsibility in our lives...for our words, our behaviors, our reactions, and for the energy in which we CHOOSE to sit. Things will continue to repeat in our lives in the forms of lessons, relationships, and situations until we decide that we have had enough.
This Wounded Healer is asking us to take a deeper look at:
*When we've felt rejected in our lives
*Situations where our confidence or self-worth have taken a "hit"
*Times when we failed to stand our ground or assert ourselves
*Acknowledge where we are feeling powerless
*What are we afraid of experiencing, feeling and confronting in our lives
*What aspects of our lives are we still sitting in a victim mentality
This is the energy of not only taking responsibility for ourselves and our healing, but backing it up with actions. What you've been avoiding will keep showing up in the form of triggers until you're ready to do things differently.
Our triggers serve as teachers. They are here to be confronted NOT avoided.
The Universe is asking you to choose...evolve or repeat?