The Autumn Equinox is taking place on September 23, 2023, this year. The word equinox comes from the Latin terms “aequus” (equal) and “nox” (night). It is the time when day and night are of equal length. It marks the end of the harvest season, and we take inventory of what we have grown and show gratitude for all we have gathered. This is the time of year, to not only take a look at the balance in your life, but also to review and define areas that may be out of equilibrium. Now is the time to allow the past and the future to merge into the present.
Take a look at everything you’ve gone through in the past 6-9 months and the lessons that you have been presented with. What have you learned? What areas of your life are you finding challenging? How are your relationships with others?
The Autumn Equinox is also the start of the Libra Season which represents balance, justice, and relating to others. This is a transitional time of balance and pause. The Sun’s transit through Libra will amp up self-reflection and communication in regards to our values and partnerships/ relationships. This is a time to both observe and celebrate the changes in our lives and to really be integrating all we’ve experienced and learned thus far. In this time of change, let it be a reminder to us that WE choose what path we want to take in our lives right now. The cosmic energy of the Autumn Equinox is propelling us to embrace change, metamorphosis, and growth. It’s time to step into the rebirth of yourself.
Looking to add something to your spiritual practices this Autumn Equinox, try out this loose
incense recipe:

(Photo Credit Erin M.)
● Orange peel
● Calendula
● Cinnamon Stick
● Star Anise
● Clove
● Pine Needles or Rosemary
● Cinnamon and Wild Orange Essential Oil
(This can be stored for up to 3 months)
To begin crafting your incense:
● Start by breaking your ingredients into small pieces, as this will help in the burning
● Once you have your dry ingredients broken down, add them to a clean glass jar, and mix
them all together.
● Next you will want to add your essential oils. I add a few drops at a time until I reach the
desired blend of my liking.
● You can now take your loose incense and burn in a fire safe bowl on a charcoal disk, or if
burning things isn’t your cup of tea, add this blend to a simmer pot on your stove.
Remember this is just a basic recipe, get creative in your space, and incorporate herbs, oils, and
resins of your choosing and as always remember that your intentions are the most important piece.