We often hear about the "dark feminine" and I personally think that what is often shared on social media paints a pretty inaccurate picture of what the Dark Feminine energy is at its core.
Feminine energy is both light and dark. On the lighter side that's aspects like patience, nurturing, forgiveness, peace, innocence. The "softer side" or for some the more "introverted" side for a lack of a better word. Before we get into what the dark feminine energy is, let's touch briefly on what it's not.
The Dark Feminine Energy is NOT:
*Manipulating others
*Rooted in revenge
*Playing "hard to get" in relationships
*Tearing others down
*Proving oneself
*"Villian" energy (rooted in ego)
The dark feminine energy is that fiery, transformational energy that fuels those life changing death/rebirth cycles. It's the energy that calls on us to challenge the "norms", the conditioning and belief systems we hold to help liberate us from the things that don't truly serve us and our growth. It fosters resilience, assertiveness, confidence, and authenticity. It helps us to prioritize our needs, assert boundaries, and reclaim our power. It's rooted in fearlessness, passion, mystery, creativity, and assists us in manifesting our deepest desires.
It is not filled with hate or venom; it doesn't seek to destroy, but instead calls us into the shadows of our subconscious. It helps to "unify" both the light and dark aspects of self. It shows us all the ways we have been playing small, selling ourselves short in life, and tolerating things we shouldn't. When the dark feminine energy is awakened many tend to feel what is often described as that intense "sacred rage". We are called to truly feel our feelings with no judgments, no limits, because it is in these moments we learn how to become the powerful alchemist in our lives.
For those wanting to dive deeper into exploring the dark feminine energy, there are several archetypes out there. Below is a short list, but remember not everything written about these archetypes paints them in an authentic energy, so always discern what feels right for you.
*The Morrigan
*Kali Ma
*Baba Yaga