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Weekend Energy Update

energy, energy update, collective, collective energy update, child_of_Balance, childofbalance, Keys_Of_Wisdom369, clarity, hard truths, truth, divine intervention
Energy Water Rippling

Welcome to your collective energy update, this was far too important not to talk about this week! The energy right now is calling for FULL surrender. It is asking us listen...and now just listen with our ears, it is asking us to listen with our hearts, with our souls. For many this can be an "uncomfortable" place to sit right now as it either seems almost "too quiet" or "too still" even though you can "feel" the energy building and amping up externally. For others it feels like the clarity you have been asking for, for months hit all at once and now it's like everywhere you look things are being revealed to and I want to call these "hard truths"

As a collective, no matter where you sit, we are being asked to realize we are divinely guided, that nothing is by "coincidence". Every moment and experience we have is meant to shape us and help us grow and learn. Now more than ever we are being called to "align accordingly", to make sure that are words and are actions match as the energy over the next couple weeks will act as a form of "divine intervention" removing anything that isn't a "match" to our current energetic state.


This is a time of great growth as we transition through and begin closing out a massive cycle that began 16 years ago for the collective. Now is a time to stay grounded, I know a little easier said than done as this energy can feel a little restless and anxious at time. Spend time outside this weekend, listen to music and do things you enjoy. Stay out of conflict now more than ever, don't allow yourself to be provoked. If you find yourself triggered, allow yourself space to acknowledge, process and "feel your way through" whatever you are experiencing. 

As the energy continues to amp, just know we are coming to what we refer to as a "merger point".  Authenticity is calling us all; will you be brave enough to embrace it and let the entire trajectory of your path change? 

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