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What It Means To Rent Space For Free

Child_Of_Balance, Childofbalance, Spiritual, SPirituality, renting space for free,
Adventure Seekers Wanted! RENT ME!

This collective has been surging through a massive shaking up something fierce. Retrograde is closing out and many are finding themselves being presented with confirmations to things they never asked for. The thing that seems to be the most consistent among everyone we've come across is when we find ourselves renting space for free in people's minds. Some call it living rent-free in people's head. But whatever you prefer to call it, there is one thing for certain. Living for free comes when you are focused on yourself, your lane, and no one or nothing but your energy, your life, your space. So, I think it's about time we defined exactly what this means.

"To Live Rent Free" or "Renting Space in Someone's Head": is loosely defined when

another person is so consumed or occupied with your energy, your whereabouts, your

choices, decisions, and life that it has become an all-consuming energy that is overtaking

their thoughts. Often when you are out of the picture, have moved on, and or are completely

separate from said person and their energy that there should be no reason their energy is

present in said person's space/energy field/mind.

This often is seen when someone is jealous, unhealed, looking for blame, and or playing victim in their own story so hard that they make you the villain in their story even when you're not around. This could be something as simple as you leaving a job 6 months ago, only to bump into an old work buddy of yours to find out your boss is always talking about you, asking where and what you're doing, or even making sideway remarks and blaming you for things that have occurred after you left. This often occurs unprompted by you in the NOW moment and is pulling on the person's shadow who is consumed with you and your energy so much that it has become an obsession. While there is duality in everything, when we use this phrase, it is often in a negative light and said to be something that is a breadcrumb for further healing needed on the other person's part. There may be several things they have yet to come to terms with about you, themselves, and your relationship (platonic or romantic it does not matter).

The most important thing to remember when this happens is that this has nothing to do with you and everything to do with them. Because while you have moved forward in life on to your next adventure, they find themselves paused in a loop where you are the focus, even when you couldn't care less. Know that this is their pain, their ego, and their problem. Pay them no mind for you don't need to defend yourself. Sometimes when you walk in authenticity your light will irritate other's demons/shadows and just know there is purpose in that too. Say thank you to the messengers that deliver you the news, but continue to focus on you. For you are renting space you never asked for, for free in someone else's head, by just being you. This is sometimes what we mean when we say triggering others by existing authentically.


Have you ever had someone who just can't seem to keep your name out of their mouth, even after you removed yourself and your energy from the equation?! If so, you may be living rent free somewhere....SMILE AND WAVE BOYS....SMILE AND WAVE!

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