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You Were Never In "Pieces"- You Were Told You Were

Child_Of_Balance, Childofbalance, Spiritual, black and white photo of man holding puzzel piece with other peices on table
Puzzled By The Greater Puzzle

Don’t you ever just get tired of the “story” that tells you that you were broken, fragmented, or in pieces?  Let’s talk about it.  The inner child, inner teenager, shadow, light, wounded self, higher self, lower self (the list goes on) ... All these “versions”, these aspects of you that you’ve been told need rediscovering, reintegration, or releasingWhat if was never true? What if you were never in pieces to begin with?  What if you were always in your wholeness and the illusion was that you weren’t?

You weren’t “disconnected” from your inner child. You weren’t “cut off” from your light. Your shadow wasn’t lurking in the corner waiting to be reintegrated.  What if we pause for a second…and ask ourselves…weren’t they always here? Seriously, think about it.  All the situations, all the experiences, all the relationships where all these aspects of you were finding ways to push through, to be expressed.  It might not have always been pretty, sometimes it may have been reactive, even a little unhinged, … but it was always there, nonetheless.  What if it was as simple as you just stopped allowing them to be expressed.  What if that was all that has ever been standing in your way?  What if it was always YOU?

Not because you were broken. Not because you were lost. But because someone, somewhere, told you that you weren’t whole…and you believed them.  You believed you had to “find” something. You believed you had to “fix” something.  You believed you had to “release” something.  But what happens when you stop seeing yourself in fragments? What happens when you realize you were always whole and you just weren’t claiming all of you?  What if you just needed to disrupt the story you had been telling yourself.  The one that never felt right.  The one made you small.  You don’t need to reintegrate what was never lost.  You don’t need to heal what was never broken.  You don’t need to seek what was never separate from you.

You just need to be ALL of you.  Unapologetically. Unfiltered. No labels. No conditions. No more stories about how you “lost” parts of yourself along the way. You didn’t lose them.  You silenced them.  You compartmentalized them.

All these versions, all these expressions, they’ve ALWAYS been here waiting for you to just own all of you.  So maybe the real question isn’t “How do I reintegrate?”, maybe the real question is: “Why did I stop letting myself be?”, and once you see that… once you stop looking at yourself in pieces… there’s nothing left to put back together. Because you? You were already whole. 

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